Information on gastroscopy

General information on gastroscopy

Gastroscopy is a procedure where the oesophagus, the stomach lining and the duodenum are examined for possible signs of disease. It is conducted with a long, flexible instrument, the endoscope.

The examination is a little uncomfortable, but not painful. We provide an opportunity for the examination to be carried out in a tranquillised state to minimise discomfort.

The examination is preceded by a consultation, when the doctor becomes familiar with your medical history, any medications you habitually take, and any allergies or sensitivities you may have. The gastroscopy is performed by a doctor and an assistant, it takes a short time, usually 5-10 minutes. The procedure gives scope not only for visual diagnostics, but also for taking tissue samples, which is also painless.

Preparing for the examination

It is imperative that at the time of the examination you must not have any disease affecting the airways(a cold, flu, a sore throat), because at times like these not being able to breathe through your nose will make the examination far more uncomfortable, or even impossible for fear of choking. So, if you are ill, postpone the examination.

What to do before the examination

You usually have to take off the outer layers of your clothing (jumper, jacket, etc.), and if you are wearing anything tight like a belt, a skirt or trousers, you ought to loosen these. This is necessary because when air is introduced into your stomach, your abdomen will bloat slightly, and the tight item of clothing may cause discomfort.

If you are having a gastroscopy in a tranquillised state, you must bring someone who will escort you home! After the examination, you will remain under observation for 1 hour, after which you may leave with your escort. You must not drive that day.